Your Gut Holds the Power of Your Overall Health


When you transform your gut health, you change your life. It’s time to make a change that will have an impact on your overall health, from you brain function to your energy levels.

You might feel like you’ve tried everything for your gut health, but here’s a plan that actually works!

How many times have you encountered serious abdominal discomfort, gas, and constipation long after you’ve digested a meal? It seems like everything you ingest just brings you PAIN.
The trouble is, you’ve got to eat at some point. You’ve tried all of the diets, the “cleanses” and detox tips to get your gut back on track, but NOTHING is giving you the relief that you so desperately need.

Maybe they worked for a little while, allowing you to feel better for a few days. Suddenly, IT’S BACK- the heartburn, the grumbling stomach, the difficult bowel movements.

Whether you’ve always struggled with poor gut health, or you’ve noticed that for the past several weeks or months, your insides just feel off. It’s time to say goodbye to all of that and make a commitment to your health right NOW.

I know, it’s tough.

You’ve heard all of this before, and you really WANT to make a change. I know what it’s like to experience such discomfort that you’d do ANYTHING to make it go away. You’re determined, but also discouraged because…

    • Even when you try to eliminate unhealthy foods, you still have issues with digestion
    • You’re not used to eating healthy and you haven’t stuck with it before. What’s the difference this time?
    • You wake up feeling bloated with an upset stomach, unable to eat breakfast
    • You’ve done this before, and even when it seemed like your gut health was improving, it went right back downhill shortly afterward

    This frustrating, constant state of indigestion makes you…

      • Want to clean up your diet but what’s the point when nothing changes?
      • Disappointed in the direction that your health has taken despite your efforts
      • You’re always dealing with digestive problems, especially bloating, cramping, and irregularity.
      • You can’t keep up with activities you used to love – you get winded too easily, you don’t have the energy, and you can’t keep up.

      You’re not happy with how you look or how you feel, but what can you do?

        It’s time to cleanse your gut and ditch the temporary fixes!

        One on One Coaching

        Get personalized, one-on-one coaching to help you overcome your biggest challenges!

        Group Coaching

        Work with me in a group setting and enjoy peer support and shared experiences on your journey!

        Self-Guided Programs

        For those who prefer to work on their own, get all the resources and tools to begin your own journey!

        Most of the detoxes, cleanses and more that you’ve tried are short-term. They don’t give you a way to keep going, so your gut doesn’t stay healthy.

        The key to cleansing your gut is in nourishing your body with the food your body needs and making small, sustainable lifestyle shifts that eventually become lifelong habits!

        With holistic coaching from Enrich Health & Wholeness you’ll get the tools, resources, and most important, the SUPPORT you need to nourish your body with clean, whole foods, that aren’t drenched in ingredients that’ll harm your stomach. Discover hacks that make healthy eating a snap, and replace old habits with a new attitude!

        Imagine how you’ll feel when you can:

        • Enjoy delicious foods you love without regretting it later!
        • Get rid of the bloat and keep it from coming back!
        • Feel energized all day long (no more 3 p.m. crash!)!
        • Restore your health and vitality!
        • Be more physically active because you aren’t always tired!
        • Feel better overall!

        Most of all, think of how good it will feel to be free of all of your gut issues… for good!

        get on the path to health with a

        free gut health guide

        Your gut health is vital to so many different bodily functions. It has an effect on your mood, sleep, brain function, and so much more. There are so many foods that we eat every day that can affect our gut health negatively. To get started, you need to learn all about your gut health, what helps it, and what hurts it. I don’t want you to keep living in discomfort because of your poor gut health.

        That’s why I want to give you this Gut Health Guide for FREE!

        You’ll get:

        • Delicious, nourishing recipes your family will love! (Plus yummy snack suggestions!)
        • Grocery checklist and suggested meals!
        • Daily emails filled with tips and support to keep you going!

        Meet the Coach

        Hi! I’m so glad you found my website! I’m D’Amber, a Certified Holistic Health Coach who is on a mission to help people just like you get their guts healthy so they can live a healthier life overall. I wasn’t eating healthy, had so many gut and digestive issues, and didn’t know what to do. I tried cleanses and fasts and anything I could find. Nothing worked. I hated how I felt – tired, bloated, and unable to digest food properly. I didn’t even have the energy to play with my kids!

        It was time to make a change. After my research, I found out just how powerful food is. I made an effort and made the changes. I saw how well it worked in my life. I wasn’t bloated, tired, and experiencing any of the issues I had before. I wanted to help others make these changes and feel better so I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach!

        I’d love to help you break free from your gut issues and live a healthier life too!

        Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call!